
My work with Warsaken began in early 2022 when I was invited on as a game design contracter primarily for Savage Escalation (set 2) - concerned with everything regarding what cards actually do in-game, from conceiving new mechanics and cards, to analyzing and constantly reassessing their balance, and everything in-between. I’ve written extensively about the balance and competitive viability of Warsaken’s past and current designs, so go peruse those if you want my hot takes on any particular cards! As well, Savage Escalation is now available digitally and physically (I get a commission if you order via that link)! I have also contributed designs to Axioms of Allegiance (the next major set), but you don’t get to see those yet.

Beyond the game design work, I was also contracted for web development with Eclectic Nerds, which included improving mobile web app performance while in-game, designing and creating a chatbot and combat analyzer, and building and submitting Progressive Web Apps for the Google Play and Windows app stores.

My desk with a bunch of Warsaken cards and packs on it Warsaken splash screen